The Bible Prophecy Channel

The Bible Prophecy Channel

Saturday 26 April 2014

What are the aims of Bible Prophecy?

What are the aims of Bible Prophecy?

  1. To provide convincing evidence – fulfilled Bible prophecy is evidence for the authenticity and reliability of Scripture.
  2. To warn the wayward – the message is a ‘wakeup call’ to get right again with God before time runs out.
  3. To encourage the faithful – the message shows that God is in control and is working out His purpose for good.
  4. To give glory to God – God is pleased when His prophecy is proclaimed, and vindicated when it comes to pass.
 Isaiah 62:6-7

What do the terms mean?

  1. Prophesy (verb) – to speak forth the word of God, being “moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21); when future events are predicted, foretelling is involved.
  2. Prophet/ess (noun) – the man or woman who prophesies; Scripture warns about false prophets (e.g. 2 Peter 2:1-3).
  3. Prophecy (noun) – the spoken and/or written set of words by the prophet; sometimes introduced with “thus says the LORD”; can be a whole chapter (e.g. Jeremiah 51) or even a whole book (e.g. Joel, Revelation).
  4. Fulfilment – when the spoken or written word of God comes to pass, the event takes place, the predicted circumstance occurs (e.g. Matthew 1:22-23 cites fulfilment of Isaiah 7:14).
  5. Initial Fulfilment – God’s word is seen to be fulfilled immediately or in the near time, by the initial audience (e.g. the child is born and predicted events occur, Isaiah 7:15-17, 8:3-8)
  6. Later Fulfilment – the prophetic word is experienced or seen to be fulfilled many years later by a different set of people (e.g. Jesus is born of the virgin Mary, Matthew 1:18-21) 

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