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Wednesday 23 April 2014

Ukraine: U.S. Vice President Speaks With Leaders In Kiev

:Ukraine: U.S. Vice President Speaks With Leaders In Kiev 
Stratfor 22-Apr-14 

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden told Ukrainian political leaders April 22 that the United States stands with Ukraine against what Biden called humiliating threats, AP reported. Biden, speaking in a room at the parliament building, encouraged the leaders to root out government corruption. After the meetings, he was due to announce technical support measures to Kiev for energy and economic reforms. He said that Washington wants to help Ukraine become independent from Russian gas supplies. While Washington certainly has an interest in countering Russian influence, it is limited in its ability to strategically deploy its own energy exports for geopolitical purposes. Instead, the United States will support projects that diversify energy supplies to countries in Russia's periphery, including Ukraine, to help ease their reliance on Russian energy. 

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